Our office supports current and potential initial teacher education students to clarify, evaluate and attain their goals.
- help answer your questions regarding program pre-requisites, admission, application and registration
- provide information about institutional policies, procedures, resources and programs
- provide services to current Initial Teacher Education students throughout the year
- assist with course conflicts, the appeal process, education program policies, and graduation requirements
Credential Evaluation
For evaluation of credentials in support of program entry, an appointment is required.
Advising Appointments
- Scheduled online through the Experience Hub.
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Format: In person, by phone, or via Teams—whichever is most convenient for you.
For Future Students (no VIU Student Number):
For Current, Returning, or New Students (with VIU Student Number):
- VIU Student Single Sign-on
- If you have not enrolled in a VIU class in over 120 days or are a new student who hasn't enrolled yet, use the "Password Reset" function to update your password before logging into the Experience Hub.
Detailed instructions on accessing the Education program advising appointment calendar on the Experience Hub can be found here.
For Experience Hub technical support, contact the site administrators at CEL@viu.ca.
Office Location
Nanaimo VIU Campus
900 Fifth Street
Nanaimo, BC
Building 356, Room 208
Office Contact
Email: bed.advising@viu.ca
Telephone: 250.740.6223
Toll-Free: 1.888.920.2221 Ext. 6223
From Overseas: +1.250.740.6223
Advising Faculty & Staff
Post Baccalaureate Program Advisor
- Chelsea McKaig Chelsea.McKaig@viu.ca
BEd Program Advisor
- Gayle Brase Gayle.Brase@viu.ca
- Naomi Bailey Naomi.Bailey@viu.ca
Aboriginal Education Advisor
- currently on leave
Chair of Undergraduate Programs
- Laura Cooper Laura.Cooper@viu.ca