Graduation from an initial teacher education program involves having your Bachelor of Education degree conferred by VIU Senate, and for those opting to participate, a graduation ceremony. Degree conferral is a mandatory process for degree completion, while convocation (graduation ceremony) participation is optional. Each process has different timelines, fees, and processes. It is the student's full responsibility to complete each applicable process.
Application to Graduate (degree conferral). This process will only be official complete upon program Advisor approval and in completion of all necessary program prerequisites and course work.
Convocation (the graduation ceremony)
Professional Certification: Teacher Regulation Branch BC Ministry of Education
Upon successful completion of your Bachelor of Eduction degree and the Dean's approval, VIU will submit a recommendation for Professional Certification with the BC Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB). It is the student's full responsibility to complete the entire application process for Professional Certification as outlined by the TRB (including submission of all requested documents and payment of associated fees).
Please consult with the TRB directly for this process at BC Ministry of Education: BC Teacher Regulation Branch
Salary Category: Teacher Qualification Service
To assist initial teacher education graduates in evaluating their qualification s for salary purposes in BC public schools, an application must be made to the Teacher Qualification Service (TQS). It is the student's full responsibility to complete the entire application process as outlined by the TQS (including submission of all requested documents and payment of associated fees).
Please consult with the TQS directly for this process at Teacher Qualification Service